You made it.
And guess what? Just by saying YES to discovering more about your internalized scripts you are already on the road to defeating them.
(Isn’t the brain a marvellous thing?).
We all have instinctual behaviors that kick in when we're put into certain situations. For some, that might mean they can't help but get angry when someone makes a mistake, while someone else might struggle to think of things to say on a date. These behaviors result from childhood experiences that heavily impact our subconscious.
These are known as “internal scripts”, and they shape how we live our lives.
When these patterns of behavior don't work for us, or make our lives worse, we often feel helpless and out of control.
The good news is, you can flip the script on your internalized thought patterns. And once you master that, you're free to pursue life on your own terms.
Ready to dive deeper into that Marvellous Brain of yours?
Flip your internal script on…
Anxiety SOS
Dealing with anxiety is often a lonely experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Anxiety SOS is there to act as a guide in pushing you through the process of dealing with anxiety, even when it gets hard.
Pandemic SOS
Everyday life can feel a bit like a rollercoaster, and when you add a pandemic to the mix, you could be forgiven for clinging on a little TOO tight. When you’re tired of the white-knuckle approach, the tailored tips inside the Pandemic SOS course will be your safety harness.
The Ask Freudina Podcast is now live
Got a question on how to deal with your mother in law, your boss, or your crippling self doubt? Don’t be shy - Ask Freudina!
On the Ask Freudina podcast, psychoanalyst Dr. Alison Feit dives deeply into the everyday problems we all experience and directly addresses callers’ questions. No question is too big (or too embarrassing). It’s 100% confidential and 200% enlightening.