It’s Time To
Breathe Freely
Calm your anxiety
And craft a life that means more to you.

This online course offers a fresh perspective on ways to...

Interrupt the anxiety spiral

Flip your internal script

Make a shift towards growth and optimism.
If you are struggling with an ongoing sense of anxiety and stress in everyday life, consider a contemporary approach to supplement traditional mental health counseling.

How to ride the ups and downs of daily life
This course is designed for people facing anxiety and stress more often than they might like. No matter how unique your experience of anxiety, simple actions can be surprisingly effective.
Inside, you’ll learn how to identify the causes of your anxiety and use practical techniques to get it under control.

The end
Feeling more in control during challenging moments so that you can be your best self.
This course is designed to make those everyday moments of panic more manageable.
It will help you to…
- Understand your mind a little better (and maybe even make friends with it)
- Let go of the urge to control the uncontrollable
- Separate rational and irrational fears, and use your energy wisely
- Feel accomplished, even when your to-do list is WAY longer than the day

Here’s what’s in the course…

Anxiety SOS
A detailed summary of what causes anxiety, how to recognize it in yourself, and how engaging with creative and spiritual pursuits can help you master your mind.

The Two Types of Anxieties
Anxiety can seem like a complex puzzle with missing pieces, but you CAN fill in the gaps - and like many great solutions, this one starts with defining the problem. In this module, we’ll learn how to identify the two types of anxiety, and the sometimes-complex relationship between anxiety and change.

The Good News About Anxiety
During stressful times, optimism is a powerful (and often subconscious) choice. It can take you from the pits of despair to the peaks of elation, as long as you understand how to tap into it - and that’s exactly what we discuss in this module! With a few tips on bringing about that magical internal shift, you’ll be feeling more in control in no time.

Natural Counterparts to Stress
Armed with an understanding of the transformative power of stress, you can start to feel hopeful again - all you need is the antidote to stress, and it can often be found in those little daily moments of joy. In this module, we’ll talk about how you can overcome the urge to compare yourself and find hope in the success of those around you.

The Benefits of Small Actions
Much of our anxiety stems from the things we can’t control: pandemics, natural disasters, and whatever else life can throw at you. We know that dwelling on our biggest problems is a recipe for despair, but it can be hard to see the way out, even though it’s surprisingly simple: start small. In this module, we’ll unpack the value of immediate actions and how you can use them to create more joy.

Abolishing Fear from Your Relationships
We all have fears - maybe they’re caused by final exams, animals with big teeth, or letters from the bank, but an often overlooked consequence of all of these fears is the damage they can do to our relationships. In this module, we’ll look at the impact of our internal scripts and how we can re-write them by becoming more conscious of our actions and our responses to others.

Difficult Relationships and Anxiety
Dealing with difficult people is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn’t have to plague you with anxiety. In this module, we’ll unpack why certain people make us anxious, and how to control your emotional response to them.

Lucille Spira, Ph.D.
Psychotherapist, Editor of Rage and Creativity: How Feminism Sparked Psychoanalysis
Alison Feit, Ph.D., aka, Freudina, is a highly skilled psychoanalyst and a class act. She is a valued colleague and friend.
Her wisdom, skills and warmth are recognized by many, both in and outside of psychoanalysis. She is engaging and welcoming with a non-judgmental style that makes it easy to share personal concerns. Dr. Feit has been an advocate on behalf of others; successfully taking on issues and problems that were previously swept under the rug or ignored. I admire her breadth, depth, creativity and her willingness to pursue new ventures.

Robin Mitchell, MA
Community Coordinator at NYC Administration for Children's Services
In this thought-provoking website, Freudina outlines the ways in which we have adapted to the complexities and challenges of contemporary life by abandoning meaning-making and depth.
With a certain very special brand of psychological-mindedness, she helps us face our own self-doubts and anxieties that challenge our opportunity to live full and connected lives. In an age of what feels like almost unprecedented loss and fear she gives us the capacity to look inside and face the most difficult part of our internal lives. She has often helped to center me in my child welfare work in New York City, where I try to keep families together - helping children who are dealing with trauma and loss. In these sensitive and difficult situations, implementing Freudina’s way of thinking allows for real and substantive change and awakens the potential for healing.

Juliet Heeg, LCSW-R
Relationship Therapist and Author
As a relationship therapist, I have gotten to know Alison Feit (aka Freudina) from the William Alanson White Artist Study Group and have been a fan of her no-holds barred, no-nonsense passion for understanding what is getting in the way of growth and how to flip that script.
She goes for the heart, headfirst with humor, creativity, compassion and rigor that make her an unusual treasure in the field of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

A Chris Heath, MD
Creator of the HeathMD YouTube Channel
Freudina is a voice that can really make a difference. Instead of quick fix advice, Freudina offers a new lens, so we can take a look at our own strengths, and the tricks our mind plays on us.
In that way, we see the answers are within ourselves, and we can build a toolbox for the next time life throws a curve ball. Freudina is powered by Dr. Alison Feit. Not only is she a psychoanalyst – the most complete psychotherapeutic training that exists – but she is trained and steeped in the interpersonal-relational school. Both that training and her personality allow her to sense what a person is seeking, what they are missing as well as their strengths, and what brings them to the moment they find themselves in currently. In creating Freudina, Dr Feit meets the callers and readers where they are, but also meets our culture with a factor that is currently missing. Freudina brings that lens that allows us to look at ourselves, in the context of our life.

What would life be like if…
- You had tools and resources to manage your stressors (even when they seemed out of control)
- You woke up feeling confident in your ability to take on whatever challenges life could throw at you
- Your relationships were allowed to flourish
- You felt FREE
That’s what I want for you.

Join Anxiety SOS today and get...

The FULL Anxiety SOS: How to Manage The Mess In Your Mind course
You’ll get access to all 6 modules, including...
- Specific strategies for managing anxiety
- Video lectures so you can learn on the go
- Action plans for tackling your anxieties at the source
- A bonus pep talk on the core ideas - perfect for a quick anxiety fix!

Pay Upfront
$47 USD
- Access to all 6 modules
- Practical advice for managing anxiety
- Video lectures so you can learn on the go
- Action plans for tackling your anxieties at the source
- Worksheets and guidance
BUNDLE: Add Pandemic SOS
$79 USD
- Save $15
- Access to additional 8 modules on Pandemic Specific anxiety
- Targeted tips for pandemic specific anxiety
- Video lectures so you can learn on the go
- Action plans for tackling your anxieties at the source
- Worksheets and guidance