
Helping Children Adjust to School in the Covid Era
Life has changed so much over the past few months that the concept of “normality” seems to have evaporated, and there’s no denying that it has been challenging - especially for children and young people.
It’s natural to cling to a routine and a set of rules that feel familiar, but when that familiarity is gone, it can be enough to set off a Major Internal Crisis (cue thrashing tantrums and crocodile tears).

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This mini-course of 3 modules is designed to help you interpret these little brain breakdowns by explaining the common experiences and thinking errors behind anxiety in children and teens.

Juliet Heeg, LCSW-R
Relationship Therapist and Author
As a relationship therapist, I have gotten to know Alison Feit (aka Freudina) from the William Alanson White Artist Study Group and have been a fan of her no-holds barred, no-nonsense passion for understanding what is getting in the way of growth and how to flip that script.
She goes for the heart, headfirst with humor, creativity, compassion and rigor that make her an unusual treasure in the field of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Richard B. Gartner, Ph.D.
Author of Betrayed as Boys: Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men; Co-Founder of MaleSurvivor
Alison Feit is an extraordinary psychoanalyst. She has a talent for understanding a situation and helpfully suggesting a new way to look at an old problem.
She has an agile mind, a warm approach, and a keen intelligence.

Steffanie Feerst, RN
Registered Nurse
Freudina is able to take the darkest aspects of life - anxiety, depression, general misery - and inject a moment of hope and inspiration even in dismal times.
What do I mean by dismal times? I am a nurse that has worked incredibly intense jobs in the ER, hospice care, and the inpatient psychiatric unit. My job is tough, really tough and Freudina is there to get me through it every minute of the day. That is what I mean by talented. She knows when to crack a joke that feels empathic. She gets it when things are truly bad and has the wisdom and sense of humor to make it all bearable and even funny. I adore her. So, yes! Count me in as one of her absolute fans. Believe me, I am hardly the only one!

Alberta Guiles, MBA
Mom, Teacher and Former Chemical Engineer
Freudina is one of those people who knows a lot and is exceptionally with-it.
She radiates joy from enabling others to develop their inner capacity to grow and to flourish. She is the generator and a world-class expert on BIRS (Basking In Reflected Sunshine). She takes it seriously. What that means for you is that in real-time, she is at her happiest and most creative when others around her are thriving. She has given me the tools to feel positive and optimistic on my darkest days. A feedback loop of positivity and growth with those around you! Something I am delighted to share with my children and students.